

大学 for Kids is a summer program at 十大彩票平台 that exposes participants between ages 11 and 16 (unless otherwise specified) to learning opportunities in science, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学(STEAM)领域. 儿童大学将给青少年在学习的同时获得乐趣的机会!


第一周:6月18日 & 20


天: 星期二和星期四
时报》: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
成本: $76
容量: 6

专为有兴趣照顾他人的成熟年轻人而设计.e. 保姆, 营咨询, or 生活guarding) to learn essential CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and First Aid skills for infants, 孩子们, 和成人. Aimed at empowering young individuals with the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively in emergency situations, 本课程将互动式学习方法与实际演示相结合.  学生s will receive the AHA (American Heart Association) certificate upon successful completion.  

第二周:6月25日 & 27


天: 星期二和星期四
时报》: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
成本: $76
容量: 6

专为有兴趣照顾他人的成熟年轻人而设计.e. 保姆, 营咨询, or 生活guarding) to learn essential CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and First Aid skills for infants, 孩子们, 和成人. Aimed at empowering young individuals with the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively in emergency situations, 本课程将互动式学习方法与实际演示相结合.  学生s will receive the AHA (American Heart Association) certificate upon successful completion.  

第三周:7月8日- 12日


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
成本: $189
计划容量: 15

“轮到你了, 拿着话筒。”, 一个关于公开演讲的研讨会是为了让我们的孩子有信心吗, 自尊, and develop the poise and communication skills needed to engage in effective communication while speaking in public. 该项目旨在塑造青少年的自我意识和存在感. “拿起麦克风”将包括成功着装指导, 肢体语言和公众演讲的技巧. This course will teach students how to successfully communicate with clarity, concision and cohesion.


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
成本: $189
计划容量: 15

未来的蒸汽船将提供身临其境的科学体验学习机会, 技术, 工程, 艺术与数学(STEAM). Activities will contain an integrated and creative problem-solving process that blends art and science to prepare youth to develop innovative thinking.

第四周:7月15 - 19日


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
成本: $189
计划容量: 8

折纸 students will learn the traditional Japanese art technique of assembling paper into a variety of decorative or representational forms and polyhedral, (有6个或更多面的实心人物). The instructor will assist students with understanding how 折纸 is used in many STEM areas such as: Space telescope, 外科手术工具, 机器人, 材料折叠, 等. We will use this week to discover a new or already enjoyed leisure activity that can also improve spatial learning.


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
成本: $189
计划容量: 20

是什么让戏剧如此强大? 它教会我们发现自己的感受,同时给我们表达自己的勇气! 在整个项目中, 我们的主要目标是建立自我意识, 培养自信, 探索我们内在的创造力. 学生将通过戏剧游戏、表演练习和即兴表演学习团队合作. 每天的一部分时间将用于创作一个简短的原创表演作品. 因此, 学生将学习如何创造, 阶段, 在周末一起为家人和朋友演出. It is our hope that each child will leave the class with a newfound belief that there are no limits on our own creativity.


天: 星期一至星期五
日期: 7月15 - 19
时报》: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
年龄: 13-17
成本: 免费的

你的孩子喜欢画画吗? 学生s will use vibrant 颜色 and designs to learn how to operate an airbrushing machine to design projects.

该项目是与STEM初学者学院和HSI STEM合作提供的.


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
年龄: 13-17
成本: 免费的

This camp explores various mathematical applications and projects from financial literacy to physics. 学生s will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities while engaging with mathematical concepts.

该项目是与STEM初学者学院和HSI STEM合作提供的.


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
年龄: 13-17
成本: 免费的

This session is an introduction to the exciting world of developing apps for mobile and tablet devices. 学生s will create applications for mobile computing devices that culminate with a student portfolio of Android Apps.

该项目是与STEM初学者学院和HSI STEM合作提供的.

第五周:7月22 - 26日


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
成本: $189
计划容量: 8

折纸 students will learn the traditional Japanese art technique of assembling paper into a variety of decorative or representational forms and polyhedral, (有6个或更多面的实心人物). The instructor will assist students with understanding how 折纸 is used in many STEM areas such as: Space telescope, 外科手术工具, 机器人, 材料折叠, 等. We will use this week to discover a new or already enjoyed leisure activity that can also improve spatial learning.


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
成本: $189
计划容量: 20

是什么让戏剧如此强大? 它教会我们发现自己的感受,同时给我们表达自己的勇气! 在整个项目中, 我们的主要目标是建立自我意识, 培养自信, 探索我们内在的创造力. 学生将通过戏剧游戏、表演练习和即兴表演学习团队合作. 每天的一部分时间将用于创作一个简短的原创表演作品. 因此, 学生将学习如何创造, 阶段, 在周末一起为家人和朋友演出. It is our hope that each child will leave the class with a newfound belief that there are no limits on our own creativity.


天: 星期一至星期五
日期: 7月22日nd-26th
时报》: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
年龄: 13-17
成本: 免费的

你的孩子喜欢画画吗? 学生s will use vibrant 颜色 and designs to learn how to operate an airbrushing machine to design projects.

该项目是与STEM初学者学院和HSI STEM合作提供的.


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
年龄: 13-17
成本: 免费的

This camp explores various mathematical applications and projects from financial literacy to physics. 学生s will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities while engaging with mathematical concepts.

该项目是与STEM初学者学院和HSI STEM合作提供的.


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
年龄: 13-17
成本: 免费的

This session is an introduction to the exciting world of developing apps for mobile and tablet devices. 学生s will create applications for mobile computing devices that culminate with a student portfolio of Android Apps.

该项目是与STEM初学者学院和HSI STEM合作提供的.

第六周:7月29日- 8月2日


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
成本: $189
计划容量: 10

艺术基础设计课程是对二维设计元素的介绍. This course will provide the foundation needed to engage students using a variety of visual problems and creative processes. 学生将能够识别和应用他们的艺术设计的9个原则. 这包括对比度, 强调, 运动, 重复, 比例, 节奏, 平衡, 团结, 和种类. Instruction will include a series of visual exercises that will have students explore the formal elements of design using lines, 形状, 值, 纹理, 颜色, 空间, 和形式. 学生s will understand the history of graphic 艺术 utilizing referenced sources as well as individual investigation projects.


天: 星期一至星期五
时报》: 9:30 a.m. 到下午3:30.m.
成本: $189
计划容量: 30

The Springfield Ballers will help players of all abilities develop their athletic skills and enhance their skill set in all positions. Our staff will be college basketball coaches and will provide players personalized instructions, 防御和进攻指令, 参加混战, 适当的热身, 冷却技术, 还有一些关于健康和营养的趣事. The Springfield Ballers' core 值 are a focus on academics, respect, community, and leadership. We will work with your child by enriching their intellectual and social skills through sports in a challenging and safe environment. Each child will walk away from this summer program with drills and skill development routines to progress their individual basketball skills with the purpose of creating a complete and well-rounded student-athlete.


不提供午餐. Parents are responsible for providing lunch and students should come prepared with a packed lunch. 花生制品是不允许的.


有关创建移动应用程序的问题, 数学很重要, 或修图程序,请联系Marta Burgos-Vega: myburgos@stcc.Edu或413-755-5424.

如果您有兴趣教授儿童学院课程,请填写 儿童学院教学表格.

其他问题,请联系玛丽·迪安杰洛 medeangelo2301@ywczgroup.com or 413-755-4300.